
Render Farm Management for Digital Media Pipelines



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Microsoft Azure



AWS Google Oracle



“We’ve rendered over 5 million jobs and still counting…” - ReelFX
AWS Google Oracle

9 Tips for Rendering in the Google Cloud

9 Tips for Rendering in the Google Cloud 1. Pick your "Zone" Knowing your zone can help you control how fast your data is transferred to and from the cloud, how much you pay for transfers, which equipment may be available to you, and even your environment’s stability. Your data transfers more quickly when it’s…
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Avere for Cloud File Storage: Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform hosted a special event for infrastructure specialists working in the entertainment industry in the spring of 2015. Avere's Jim Thompson, lead media and entertainment systems architect at Avere, presented to the group, introducing Avere for cloud file storage, using Google Cloud Platform. In this video, you'll hear Jim talk about: How Avere…
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One Day Event – Media Solutions by Google Cloud Platform

Join us for a day of cloud-based discussion, revealing how media companies can run more efficiently via Google Cloud Platform. You’ll hear from the industry’s best and brightest about how to incorporate a cloud-based rendering solution, no matter if you are working on a small or large studio. Vancouver, Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016 8:30 AM…
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